September 22nd, 2024

Weekly Update - 22 Sept 2024

Weekly Update

No preface today. Let's move on to the update.

Cyber Burger

Cyber Burger now has sound!

Cyber Burger game-play with sound.

I started added some basic sound effects to the laser and the items flying across the screen.Β  They may change, depending on how I find them after a while, but it's a start. I do like how Pico-8 makes these easy to make: select a waveform, then just draw out the pitch and volume graphically:

The laser fire sound effect, shown in the Pico-8 sound editor.
The laser fire sound effect, shown in the Pico-8 sound editor.

I also improved how items are spawned. Instead of the item types being completely random, they're now taken from a list, which gets refilled and shuffled once it's empty. This smoothes out the chance of seeing a particular item β€” no more waiting around for a bun bottoms to start your burger β€” while still making things random enough to be fun. The item types are distributed evenly, so every type will show up once per cycle. Maybe I'll change this, but probably not, as it seems to be working reasonably well at the moment.

The Y location is now quantised a little so that items don't completely overlap each other by a pixel or two. They can still be located on exactly the same Y position which… is not great β€” I may need to take a look at that. But the slice spacing between each item looks good. Also, items now spawn in from the left as well as the right.

Lastly, I changed how demerits work. The previous version was not adding any when the player made a mistake. This made them pretty useless, and the game felt quite easy. So now, whenever the player catches an item in the basket that they weren't suppose to, they get a demerit. If their burger gets too large, then get 2 demerits. To balance things out, the player now has 6 demerit points instead of 3, and every completed burger would remove one demerit until the player has zero again. I think this will require some more rebalancing, but it makes play a little more interesting.

Not sure what I'll work on next. I'll need to finish (or redo) the sounds, and then come up with some more tasks to do. I'm thinking either working on the difficulty curve, making things harder as the game progresses; adding power-ups and power-downs; or working on the start screen and menu. More on either of these in the future.

Blogging Tool

For my "extracurricular" activity this week, I spend some more time on Blogging Tool. I added the notion of jobs, which are essentially background tasks for long running processes. These can be monitored from within the Jobs section, which is accessible from the main nav: