Indexing In UCL
I've been thinking a little about how to support indexing in UCL, as in getting elements from a list or keyed values from a map. ...
I've been thinking a little about how to support indexing in UCL, as in getting elements from a list or keyed values from a map. ...
A brief update of where I am with UCL and integrating it into Dynamo-browse. I did managed to get it integrated, and it's now serving...
I've started trying to integrate UCL into a second tool: Dynamo Browse. And so far it's proving to be a little difficult. The problem is...
The UCL simplifications have been implemented, and they seem to be largely successful. Ripped out all the streaming types, and changed pipes to simply pass...
I've been using UCL for several days now in that work tool I mentioned, and I'm wondering if the technical challenge that comes of making...
More on UCL yesterday evening. Biggest change is the introduction of user functions, called "procs" (same name used in TCL): proc greet { echo "Hello,...
Came up with a name: Universal Control Language: UCL. See, you have TCL; but what if instead of being used for tools, it can be...
A bit more on TCL (yes, yes, I've gotta change the name) last night. Added both lists and hashes to the language. These can be...
More work on the tool command language (of which I need to come up with a name: I can't use the abbreviation TCL), this time...
I have this idea for a tool command language. Something similar to TCL, in that it's chiefly designed to be used as an embedded scripting...